93 Psychic TV rarities, One John Holt hit, and 23 random tunes divided by the trinity multiplied by the duality rounded down = 108


You seem to have a distinct aesthetic with regard to the first few tunes you posted. I don't know quite how to describe it

It's called reggae/dub Dan

, without sounding really hackneyed (I forbid myself for reaching for the most overused epithet in music "psychedelic"). But the tunes don't seem standard heavy roots tunes, all have a spacious, shimmering quality. Minimal maybe, like Rich said.

I was actually only talking about the first tune... I said I was looking forward to the ride, unaware that the man himself had just posted to say he was ceasing and asking for the thread to be deleted.

As when Kafka was betrayed by his publisher who, instead of posthumously destroying his work, vindictively(?) and vigorously did the exact opposite, the creator's (in this case @william_kent's) loss is the world's gain. The thread remains as of 1527 on... Sunday.


Wild Horses
that's a failure! We were supposed to be united in peace and love, all at one with creation
I'm sorry we let you down. I blame Rich.

Incidentally I went to the Shaka memorial dance last night at E1. AMAZING.
Crazy long set by the Twinkle Brothers which finished on a reprise of his very first ska tune from 64.
Then Young Lion and a load of absolutely ridiculous heavyweight digi bangers. Most places would empty out after the main set on a Sunday night, not this place. The tunes were so compelling they kept you in place. Haven't been knackered due to dancing for an age.


Well-known member

I've cracked open a bottle of havana club "especial", a few cans of coke, might have had a few, time to play some tunes

I'll ease in with some mellow vibes off one of the duff later Pablo albums


Augustus Pablo - Drums to the King

One of my favourite pablo tunes, nyabingi heartbeat connects us to earth while the melodica soars to the heavens


Well-known member


I'm no fool, I'm alright

Horace Andy & Earl Flute - I'm Alright

Keith Hudson & Mafia all Stars - Melody Maker

Jah Woosh - I'm Alright

King Tubby & The Mafia All Stars - I'm All right Dub

like I'm dying, like I'm crying


Well-known member

don't deal with tribalist and malice!

Dillinger - Brace A Boy / A.P. Special

I can't remember what documentary it was but there was one where an elderly Dillinger was sitting in an armchair and the English woman interviewer was all nervous until he explained that the pistol by occasional table next to him was actually a novelty lighter which he demonstrated by pulling the trigger and flame emerged from the barrel


Well-known member

Al and Freddie - Born A Free Man

this is the tune I imagine "patriots" blasting out as they are pulled to a stop by the agents of the New World Order and they explain that they don't need a driving license or insurance because the name on their birth certificate is a fictional entity which bears no relation to the "flesh and blood" person that is driving their 'private property' and then the police get tired of the bullshit and tase them and drag them from their "carriage"

but then again I didn't pay bills for years because it's illegal to open mail that's not in your name and my name isn't "The Occupier"

Freddie did a "sort of" do-over for Pablo

Freddie Mcgegor - I'm A Free Man


Well-known member

Run come rally

Freddie McGregor - Rastaman Camp

"chant some sounds"

"mercy gone and judgement come"

"have some fun"

jungle MC voiceover: AS WE TAKE YOU DEEPER


Well-known member

it was inevitable that I would play some Yabby You

Run Come Rally?

run away!

Vivian Jackson and the Prophets - Run Come Rally