The Big Hello Thread


Well-known member
im going to make a list of experts for you coin so you know who to turn to if you need information on any given subject

Leo-New Jersey. The Last Days of Disco. The Police/Sting.
Suspended-cranberry farming. the autumnal colours of Wisconsin. e-girls.
poetix-continental philosophy/computer programming/shredding (guitar)
craner-white wines/fascism/yacht fascism
danny l-bodybuilding/strength training/voodoo
satnav-japanese 'city pop'
washyourhands-football hooliganism/dogging/sectarian violence
idle rich-day trading/cocaine
thirdform-communism/psychological torture/gabba
linebaugh-college basketball/doughnuts/thomas pynchon/synders pretzel pieces
corpsey-wanking/the poetry of william butler yeats
mixed biscuits-graphs/pie charts
woops-the country of France/cigarettes/Polish lager
william kent-oijia boards/wray and nephews white rum
mr tea-toadstools/shortcrust pastry
version-UFC/the films of Oliver Stone/skateboarding
wektor-creep deformation/fracture, powder processing & performance of welded components
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didn't know people outside of manitoba were familiar with that movie
I thought it was a great film, In general he's always worth a watch but I remember particularly enjoying that one... or wait up, am I getting mixed up? Cowards Bend the Knee (is that right?) was also very good, perhaps it is that one that is my very favourite come to think of it. Whatever, his strike rate is pretty high I think, I recall going to see The Saddest Music In the World in the cinema when it came out and becoming more and more gobsmacked by what was unfolding before me. One of those rare moments when you think "I don't understand this at all in any way and yet somehow I want more".


im going to make a list of experts for you coin so you know who to turn to if you need information on any given subject

Leo-New Jersey. The Last Days of Disco. The Police/Sting.
Suspended-cranberry farming. the autumnal colours of Wisconsin. e-girls.
poetix-continental philosophy/computer programming/shredding (guitar)
craner-white wines/fascism/yacht fascism
danny l-bodybuilding/strength training/voodoo
satnav-japanese 'city pop'
washyourhands-football hooliganism/dogging/sectarian violence
idle rich-day trading/cocaine
thirdform-communism/psychological torture/gabba
linebaugh-college basketball/doughnuts/thomas pynchon/synders pretzel pieces
This is quite an interesting list of specialities when you write it out like that. OK some of them are a little tenuous.... eg Gus is a relative expert in e-girls cos none of the rest of us know what they are and same goes a few of the other things such as, er, basketball say, but some of them are genuine. For example really Danny L really does know about voodoo and other kinds of magick etc Snav, based on the evidence we have seen, knows more about Japanese City pop than any other westerner for sure and quite possibly any easterner or northerner or southerner too.
If there were some way to harness all that knowledge into something useful and monetisable then... well we'd argue about doing it for ages and fail to get it off the ground, but that would be a big pity is what i'm saying.


prone to disappearing randomly
do you understand that nummogram coin? i cant make head nor tail of that thing
I can't either but that interests me more about it
I thought it was a great film, In general he's always worth a watch but I remember particularly enjoying that one... or wait up, am I getting mixed up? Cowards Bend the Knee (is that right?) was also very good, perhaps it is that one that is my very favourite come to think of it. Whatever, his strike rate is pretty high I think, I recall going to see The Saddest Music In the World in the cinema when it came out and becoming more and more gobsmacked by what was unfolding before me. One of those rare moments when you think "I don't understand this at all in any way and yet somehow I want more".
I haven't seen it actually but I've heard about it from people I know. I should give the saddest music in the world a watch sounds like a trip


Binary & Tweed
truth. i've been to Montreal many times and there's nothing one can say

also i really gotta up my posting game if city pop is the only autism i'm known for. damn.

As you can see, our standards are high and our expertise diversified.


If you wanna steal one why don't you steal one that advertises the fantastic dj team and record label Invisible Sounds?

Perhaps something like this? But maybe with a different colour scheme so that we can sort of coordinate our promotion together.


@Leo I notice that you also seem to be short on ideas for your avatar, may I suggest something a bit like the above? Perhaps you could kinda jazz it up a bit, I dunno, whatever you feel will work better to sell more stuff. It's really up to you how you go about it as long as you deliver the expected results. Remember ABC... Always Be Closing.