Oh come on, has anyone ever really thrown off his uniform, told his boss to go to hell and marched out of the office/factory to FREEDOM AND HAPPINESS because of a song he heard? Sounds like something that would happen at the end of a rather sappy film.
I'm not trying to deny that music can have a huge amount of inspirational power, but I think it's a bit paranoid to suggest that music would banned simply for being too inspirational. Sure, music gets banned for various reasons, usually to do with having lyrics that are explicitly obscene or seen as promoting violence or crime, and while I tend to disagree with censorship in general, I can see why these laws exist. I listened to Beethoven's 9th today, as it happens, which must be just about the most inspirational piece of music I can think of, but I guess that's by-the-bye. To be honest I don't listen to radio at all, commercial or otherwise, but when I think of music that, as you say, makes me think about "other modes of being, other ways to spend my time and energy", it's generally music that's very personal to me, often stuff that most people would consider indulgent or unlistenable, so it's pretty unlikely ever to get airtime on 'pop' radio precisely because it's nowhere near pop-ular enough.
Edit: cannabis promotes sitting around on your arse listening to music, eating stodgy food, talking bollocks and having a laugh. All of which I'm massively in favour of, in moderation. But I think any serious revolutionary is probably better off keeping a clear head, to be honest.