Worth dying for


Yeah, while drinking coke, wearing nikes, watching hollywood blockbusters, calling their mates "dude", etc...

Actually, most of people I know think that they're a lot smarter than that (though of course there's plenty of border-line hypocrisy). They talk about things like this:

Yeah, and it's ironic that there are so many anti-european union scare stories in the print media, yet our americanisation isn't seen as a political issue at all.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
As this case represents the very lowest level of proximity to an actual terrorist act having been committed, presumably all actual and thwarted suicide bombers have also been the subjects of similar high visibility media exposures. Does that not make the overall frequency of such activities kind of not very often at all? Like way less than all kinds of horrible violent things that people do to each other for all sorts of reasons? Why then does it come to dominate political agendas and the media landscape so?

Sorry, I've just seen the headlines about 'Brown to unveil plans to step up security at stations.' :mad:

What is this madness? Where does it lead to, total lockdown? Let's just stick chips in baby's heads when they're born and track the fuckers on satellite. If life imitates art I think some people have been taking The book of Revelation a bit too literally. Ok that's actually true... Not only that but 1984, Brave New World, THX1138 and Fahrenheit 451 have become models for an ideal society and ceased to be satire.
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There is no evidence that harsher prison sentences are a useful deterrent to crime (particularly thought-crime) either.

No evidence?

A study carried out by one of Britain's most distinguished criminologists, Professor David Farrington of the University of Cambridge, in conjunction with Patrick Langan of the US Department of Justice, compared the USA with England and Wales between 1981 and 1996. Crime rates based on crime surveys were available in both countries up to 1995, and crime figures based on police records to 1996. The study investigated the possibility that increasing the risk of punishment would lead to falling crime. Two measures of the risk of punishment were used: the conviction rate per 1,000 alleged offenders; and the incarceration rate per 1,000 alleged offenders. The method of calculation is explained in the Appendix. Click here to check the original report (PDF).

The original study by Langan and Farrington was published in 1998 and gives imprisonment rates and crime rates in England and Wales based on the British Crime Survey up to 1995. The 1997 BCS results were not available and so the study does not fully capture the impact of the policy reversal in 1993. However, Professor Farrington and Darrick Jolliffe have subsequently updated the estimates for England and Wales to 1999, allowing us to appraise the impact of the policy reversal. This study is not yet published and we are very grateful to them for permitting us to quote from it.

The original 1998 comparison showed that the USA and England and Wales pursued very different policies and produced very different results. The study found that the chances of being imprisoned increased in the USA between 1981 and 1995 and fell in England and Wales. During the same period, crime fell in the USA and increased in England and Wales.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Did they also look at things like economic conditions and policing levels for the corresponding time periods I wonder?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
My guess is this girl is just some sad loser getting off on writing mean poetry and watching beheading vids and posting on message boards. You know, like your friend who's super into anarchism right now, with all the printouts about bombmaking and assassinating government officials, a mock AK on the mantle to impress girls, and a bunch of Proudhon he doesn't read who just likes to do drugs and listen to punk rock and will never come close to blowing up anything. Otherwise they would have rolled her up the chain of command (links! remember) and found someone with, you know, an actual weapon or something. There are supposed to be people like that, right, the whole point of these new wonderful laws? The cops realized they didn't have shit on her, so they ran with what they had, probably to generate some stats on the success of these terror laws.

Well my friends are a bit more grown up than that, but I take your point: that for every one suspect who really is planning to do something serious, there are going to 'dabblers' who get a kick out of the idea of this kind of stuff. It's obviously a dangerous game to play, though - I mean, it's not a big secret that this kind of activity might attract counter-terrorist-type attention. Though maybe that's the whole point? I dunno.


booty bass intellectual
It doesn't prove deterrence, it just proves when you throw a poor kid in the clink for 15 years on a couple crack rocks he can't get out to commit crime during that time. He can't do anything productive either.
Sorry, I've just seen the headlines about 'Brown to unveil plans to step up security at stations.' :mad:

You mean this?

"Brown announces new security measures"
Guardian Unlimited - 1 hour ago
Gordon Brown today unveiled tough new measures to protect Britain's
airports, stations, shopping centres and sporting venues against
attack by terrorists.

"Airport restrictions may be relaxed"
Guardian Unlimited - 48 minutes ago
Security restrictions at UK airports could be relaxed in the New Year,
Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly said.

Blairism ('It is and it isn't', 'I believe it is even though I know it isn't' etc].


It doesn't prove deterrence, it just proves when you throw a poor kid in the clink for 15 years on a couple crack rocks he can't get out to commit crime during that time. He can't do anything productive either.

Update on Samina Malik

Gavin said:

I wonder what her sentence would have been if she'd called her Teddy Bear, "Al-Qaeda"?

(Win the Turner Prize, maybe?)

... a judge sentenced her last week to the equivalent of house arrest and handed her a nine-month suspended sentence.


Well-known member

A former Heathrow shop assistant who called herself the "lyrical terrorist" and was the first woman sentenced under new ant-terror laws today had her conviction overturned.

Samina Malik, 24, from Southall, west London, was convicted under section 58 of the Terrorism Act in November last year after she wrote poems celebrating the beheading of non-Muslims.

Today, she won an appeal against her conviction for collecting personal information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

The lord chief justice, Lord Phillips, sitting in the court of appeal with Justice Goldring and Justice Plender, quashed the conviction after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) conceded it was unsafe.

Phillips said: "We consider that there is a very real danger that the jury became confused and that the prosecution have rightly conceded that this conviction is unsafe."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
There's a nutter from the other side of the fence in the news today:


This guy had actually got as far as accumulating weapons and making nailbombs, though. Oh, and amassing a few thousand indecent images of children. Can't say I'd want to be in his shoes when he gets sent down...

vershy versh

Well-known member
I heard the Spartacist League (I mean the International Communist League, not the original SL) were said to endorse the abolition of all age-of-consent laws, but a lot of people think the whole organisation is so nuts it must have been set up by the CIA to discredit socialist organisations generally.

A letter from these guys was doing the rounds on Twitter the other day. Apparently they refuse to support the rail strikes because the RMT uphold "bourgeois morality" by not supporting the abolition of said laws.


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
A letter from these guys was doing the rounds on Twitter the other day. Apparently they refuse to support the rail strikes because the RMT uphold "bourgeois morality" by not supporting the abolition of said laws.

At least one of them is a comedy genius. Their hand-made sign saying "DONATE TRIDENT TO NORTH KOREA" was great.