
Let's get serious for a minute - there is now a picture going round showing Ivanka Trump with Wendi Deng... why is that relevant you might ask, because it's more evidence of how close the Trump machine is to Russia because - something I completely missed - apparently Deng was lately Putin's girlfriend! Is that true? I know I don't always have my ear to the ground when it comes to this kind of thing but why did no-one tell me this?

Have you lot heard about this?


I remember when that happened... but, what I don't remember, is any link whatsoever between Deng and Putin. I didn't even hear it as a rumour that was dismissed, but now apparently it's common knowledge. I didn't even know that they had met... what does she do now anyhow? Now that she has quit her previous role of being Murdoch's chief consort - a position that no doubt caused her to fervently pray for his death every day even more desperately than all the rest of us - what circles does she move in? I'm sure that they are fairly rarefied ones but even so, how would she meet Putin? How does anyone meet him socially? Where does he hang out?
Of course she was rumoured to have had an affair with Tony Blair just before she got divorced. There was that weird extract from her diary where she said something like "Tony so sexy, great butt" which... imagine if she did go out with Blair and Putin... the world is totally crazy isn't it?
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Beast of Burden
I remember when that happened... but, what I don't remember, is any link whatsoever between Deng and Putin. I didn't even hear it as a rumour that was dismissed, but now apparently it's common knowledge. I didn't even know that they had met... what does she do now anyhow? Now that she has quit her previous role of being Murdoch's chief consort - a position that no doubt caused her to fervently pray for his death every day even more desperately than all the rest of us - what circles does she move in? I'm sure that they are fairly rarefied ones but even so, how would she meet Putin? How does anyone meet him socially? Where does he hang out?
Of course she was rumoured to have had an affair with Tony Blair just before she got divorced. There was that weird extract from her diary where she said something like "Tony so sexy, great butt" which... imagine if she did go out with Blair and Putin... the world is totally crazy isn't it?

Deng is great, a Balzacian demon.


Well-known member
the craner guide to reality is pretty simple and if you follow it you won't go far wrong, generally speaking. in a nutshell it goes, things are much as they seem to be. if you want the craner world-view, read the economist. don't get galaxy brained.


Well-known member
i checked in to see what nick land makes of the situation

"More than a century after Europe descended into the carnage of the First World War, the lights of peace and progress are going out again." -- Trouble is, the lights of peace and progress were a gay disco.