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Well-known member
Nixon goes to China though innit. Look I'm not saying I like that this is true, or that it's fair, but if Corbyn had become PM and this had kicked off things would be even more fucked up than they are right now.

lol, yeah because a socialist who actually cares about people would be much worse at implementing his own policies and minimising loss of life than a bunch of psychopathic grifters who were willing to kill hundreds of thousands just to keep their mates flush.


Well-known member
lol, yeah because a socialist who actually cares about people would be much worse at implementing his own policies and minimising loss of life than a bunch of psychopathic grifters who were willing to kill hundreds of thousands just to keep their mates flush.

I interpreted that more sympathetically/generously! I don't think that's exactly what he meant although comlately is a Nazi bodybuilder with a hard on for mega deaths!


Well-known member
It occurs to me that the people best placed to implement the kind of socialist policies we need to deal with this crisis would be actual socialists and not those who have spent their entire lives battling tooth and nail to destroy any vestige of socialist ideas in politics, and indeed degrade all of the services we are now depending on to survive in order to make a tiny elite even more obscenely rich.

Just a thought.


Darned cockwombles.
I think Corbyn would have fucked things up to a potentially large degree because he's incapable of listening/flexibility, but not half as badly as this and certainly not for the same psychotic reasons. there would have been actual engagement with what is happening, as Rich said


If Tim Wetherspoon was up against a fucking wall smoking his last cigarette I would feel a lot better about everything.


Darned cockwombles.
did you see his fucking video message?! Taking the piss on an epic scale - and it looks like it was recorded in a bunker while he was half-pissed


Anyway, today we're gonna pass the 400,000 case level I guess and in Italy they're saying they may have only measured a tenth of those who actually have caught it. It's incredibly frustrating the way that the data is so inaccurate and the testing regime in so many countries is so inadequate - at times it feels as though that's by design.


Darned cockwombles.
Definitely the testing regimes have been all over the place for various reasons - I'm sure there's some element of not wanting to admit the huge scale of this in almost every case, especially once govts realised that they'd missed the boat by a long way, and mixed in with monumental incompetence and arrogance. As said before, the denial of testing to nurses and doctors in the UK does seem almost deliberate, it's *so* mad.


And the ones who are refused a test despite being symptomatic cos they haven't associated with anyone known to have tested positive. That doesn't make any sense with what we know about how it works.


So is Trump just saying - bollocks to this, let's go back to normal?

Our people want to return to work. They will practice Social Distancing and all else, and Seniors will be watched over protectively & lovingly. We can do two things together. THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN THE PROBLEM! Congress MUST ACT NOW. We will come back strong!


Well-known member
Yeah loads of people saying that. Sadmanbarty, Trump, Peter Hitchens, comelately, Matthew Woebot. It's a mainstream viewpoint.


Well-known member
I wonder if Trump also feels there's major competitive advantages to be had by returning to work while everyone else is off sick
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