The Dissensus Album Canon


Well-known member
sorry i disagree. i've read an interview you did with someone and it's not very good. i concede you are very talented at other things though.

not to interrupt the rapturous banter or anything, but yesterday you said you rolled your eyes at his poem, now this. don't you feel a bit guilty? its a bit unkind isn't it?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Two forty year old weaklings might be close but wouldn't be edifying

Each of you is able to nominate a champion. I imagine it being comelately vs padraig, they're both pretty ripped.

Or each of you sits on the shoulders of one our resident giants like Eden and Danny and then you battle it out like you were both Master-Blaster from Mad Max.


Well-known member
Each of you is able to nominate a champion. I imagine it being comelately vs padraig, they're both pretty ripped.

Or each of you sits on the shoulders of one our resident giants like Eden and Danny and then you battle it out like you were both Master-Blaster from Mad Max.

I would nominate comelately in the first instance and Eden in the second


Well-known member
Getting back to canon albyums, i would nominate these three:

1. Hype williams: one nation

2. Dean blunt: the narcissist ii

3. Babyfather: BBF hosted by escrow

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
hey padraig. it was pretty crazy. the world is a different place now for sure. i can't think it would be so easy now.

sufi's amazing photos:

you probably spent a lot more time in mexico and got a better feel for what life was actually like for the people. the boys would have been keener to spend longer at each place but, like a madman, i was seig heil we must keep moving forward.

i'm knocking on 50 now and certainly i remember a phase of "looking back" very strongly.
hey Matt, meant to write a response to this, got occupied with other things

I guess I did get a reasonable feel for what people's life was like. we rotated thru projects - potable water systems - in a number of village.

otoh there was a vast cultural gap that was completely unbridgeable even for the guys I was working for, who'd been working in the area for years.

partially that was b/c it was a low-intensity conflict zone. most (maybe all) the villages were Zapatista territory, so there was automatically an air of the unspoken.

but even without that, the culture shock was intense in a number of ways I'd find hard to articulate here without writing a much longer post.

I certainly cannot imagine playing records for people or talking about music etc. we did usually play soccer with each village's men every day after work.

anyway, I always thought the African techno journey was a pretty amazing project in its uniqueness/ambition/belief in the power of human connection

(and that is coming from a thoroughly cynical + disillusioned person)

I assume one thing we'd share is being very glad that we did something like that at a time in our respective lives when that was possible


Well-known member
He's exactly the same age as me!

But my point is it's perfectly fine for catalog to like whatever music he likes. But if dissensus means anything and stands for anything and retains any sense of identity then stone roses is not dissensus canon!

That's not up for debate! We are anti landfill Indie by design. It's written in our constitution
did someone from vice lurk on here and see that luke said 'landfill indie' or is it a very common term?