
Wild Horses
If this thread has turned into "a which is the fittest country?" discussion - I was going to say "degenerated" but I suppose it wasn't very high-minded in the first place - then I would have to say Iran. I've not been there but everyone I've met from there has been above averagely attractive at the very least, and some of them downright stunning.

You see those photos of young people in Iran in the 60s and 70s, before the revolution, and all the women look like they could be models or movie stars. The blokes are generally handsome too. Shame that when Iran is on the news in the West you usually just see a bunch of beardy old god-botherers in black robes and turbans.

Weird to think of what it must be like, with the intense policing of displays of sexuality that occurs there. Urban areas have to be different but how strange it must be. Then again, they've no booze culture which has got to be inhibiting. Or perhaps more accurately, not disinhibiting. They're not used to seeing the flowers of their womenhood pissing and vomming in the street.


So... plastic surgery capital and most women are veiled? Is it just men doing it or are they doing it just for their husbands or to compete with other women behind closed doors? Certainly I've seen a lot of people wearing full body coverings buying lots of designer clothes in things such as the Bicester Outlet village etc I guess to show off to friends?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Weird to think of what it must be like, with the intense policing of displays of sexuality that occurs there. Urban areas have to be different but how strange it must be. Then again, they've no booze culture which has got to be inhibiting. Or perhaps more accurately, not disinhibiting. They're not used to seeing the flowers of their womenhood pissing and vomming in the street.

Oh but there is a booze culture, it's just hush-hush, I guess a bit like taking drugs in this country. (Not that Iranians don't take drugs too - I'm sure I read somewhere that it has the world's highest rates of opiate addiction, even worse than the USA.)

But yes, you're hardly likely to see public drunkenness, I guess.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
So... plastic surgery capital and most women are veiled?

Modesty laws in Iran demand that women cover their hair, but not their face, in public. The chador (Iranian version of the burqa, which leaves only the eyes showing) is worn voluntarily by particularly devout women, I think. No idea what percentage of women wear each thing but I think at least in the cities you're going to see plenty of women walking around with their faces uncovered (the shameless slags!).

Edit: looks like I've got that wrong and the chador does leave the face uncovered. Anyway, most women there don't fully veil themselves.
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Darned cockwombles.
Having been out with someone of Iranian descent, then this is possibly a good shout re beauty (her brother was sillily handsome too as I recall). I tend to think there are good-looking people from everywhere tho...

I'm sure I've met a few people in my life from various countries who have waxed poetic about the general handsomeness of British men, which initially I found perplexing, but there's a particular cultural stereotype going on under which it does make sense - debonair, well-spoken etc etc
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Yeah, people from anywhere can be good-looking, but especially as you get past a certain age it really helps if you take some basic care of yourself, and while the UK isn't quite at American levels yet, we do have pretty high levels of obesity here. More than a lot of other European countries, at any rate.

And there are massive differences in how people typically present themselves, too. When I moved to the Netherlands for a while a few years ago, I initially found myself thinking "Why are there so many middle-aged lesbians here?", but then I realised that actually, a lot of women there just stopped bothering with makeup and jewellery and adopted comfy, androgynous clothes and sort of utilitarian haircuts after the age of 40 or 45. (Not that this is necessarily universally true in the country, but it seemed to the case in Eindhoven, anyway.) More recently I was on holiday in Madrid and saw women dolled up like opera singers while queuing in a supermarket.


Well-known member
Our lack of sunlight and clean air must hurt too. You see Canadians and Californians and they have this kimdmofmpulsating life force and wholesome healthy energy that you will never see in anyone from this country not even a professional athlete. This radiance of positivity and wellness. It's incredible


Well-known member
They look like a different species. I've seen it in Japanese women sometimes albeit without the same robustness you get in the North Americans


Darned cockwombles.
for some people that is a sexual fantasy made sickly flesh.

Some Americans think they fancy all British people, but most of the ones who think that are deeply mistaken


Lots of people think they fancy everyone who is Japanese. I used to go out with a Japanese girl, she told me that in Japan they think everyone in England his hot. She was sadly disabused of this when she came here.


Well-known member
That Californian look you described is not attractive (to me) though. Maybe it ought to be but it isn't.

It's not even so much about whether it's attractive it's more just the sense that this is a superior species. That they have reached a level of ultra-health. Completely comfortable in their own skin too. No sharp angles. Glowing.


Well-known member
I think people are naturally "uglier" than we think they are. If you were to get hold of a pair of Roddy Piper in They Live-esque glasses which saw through make up, cosmetic surgeries, dental surgeries etc then you'd probably realise a lot of the people you thought were incredibly good looking were made rather than born that way. Obviously there's a limit, but time and time again you see people get big, move to Hollywood and suddenly get better looking. Maybe they're making deals with The Devil, or maybe surgeries, stylists and money can work wonders.


Darned cockwombles.
Also, some people you may not have thought are 'all that' on the screen, can look devastatingly good in real life, making you realise how warped the screen standards of beauty are, everyone perfectly made up etc


Darned cockwombles.
Imagine how Ed Sheeran really looks.

Beauty is also so much to do with presence and personality. Recently my partner was showing me a pic of this amazing-looking woman from a US TV show that she watches - we both agreed she was stunning. I looked up an interview on youtube, and instantly she was about 1/10th as attractive, not a horrible personality but *such* a bland one
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Well-known member
i'm very pro ugly. the girls i've been most attracted to have had a bit of ugliness to them. some of the best sex i've ever had has been with ugly people.

i'm the lawrence of arabia of ugly people.