Binary & Tweed
Maybe some "dank-sharding" upgrade? I don't know, but something to address the gas fee situation would be nice.But isn't there a new fork coming which promises to make has cheaper? Imminently I mean.
Maybe some "dank-sharding" upgrade? I don't know, but something to address the gas fee situation would be nice.But isn't there a new fork coming which promises to make has cheaper? Imminently I mean.
There could be a case to make for Bitcoin has a hedge against fiat power while still not being able to compete with fiat power per se. I personally don't believe it will work as a currency, unless there is some highly-regulated and collateralized stablecoin derived from it, but even then, we already have the stables on Ethereum.But back to bitcoin. There's talk of a speculative attack on the dollar now, in an immediate prelude to hyperbitcoinization. I don't know about that, bitcoin does not have an army, navy, and nuclear arsenal, but an upstart sovereign bitcoin state might.
Russia, France, US reverse uno? UK if I was in charge, but I'm not.
Zhimin Qian dreamt that the Dalai Lama would anoint her a reincarnated goddess and that she would go on to become the Queen of Liberland, an unrecognised micronation on the Danube, where she would build the biggest Buddhist temple in Europe.
A fugitive from the Beijing authorities, Qian had the funds to believe such mad dreams could become reality: huge sums of bitcoin from a £5bn investment scam she allegedly ran in China, defrauding more than 128,000 people.
how do i get crypto money. i would like to get crypto monrey.i want to get a job to get more money to put into crypto
but i dont want a job because i can live off my crypto money and dont feel like working