
Well-known member
Of course. they will never let you to join the party because you will always have the wrong shoes


Well-known member
If you can make it look like you enjoy being out in the rain it robs them of the satisfaction of shutting you out in it


Well-known member
This is why everyone was so aghast at that Brooklyn cultural mafia thread. Face pressed up against the glass.
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in je ogen waait de wind

i was watching this the other day and i think eventually this will be put in place to keep us in our apartments, eyes and hands glued to our laptops, on the metaverse for ever.

this is what the founder of the company looks like


wild greens

Well-known member
Isn't that ai robot warfare drone the firm that Spotify are pumping all their profits into? Or do they have a different killer robot company?

As for NFTs the current situation is just the test run for implementation within the meta-world surely. Most of this stuff will be worthless in a few years like habbo coins or whatever. It does have uses but your gif certs, probably not

All that money will have been washed by then though

wild greens

Well-known member
If you think all of this will hold it's value more power to you. I don't, bar the odd bit

It is a good way to flip dough in the current moment though

wild greens

Well-known member
Tbh i view the NFT hype as akin to the beanie baby situation in the 80s. Over-inflation of constantly produced assets means lots of people assume that everything will hold their worth, but realistically only small amounts of these things will actually retain value long-term.

If you're viewing the market cynically or buying with prudence then crack on but to go back to the beanie analogy, there are a lot of middle-aged housewives about to lose their arse, or already losing their arse. How many NFTs are minted every day & how many are worth anything 3/4 months down the line?

There will be a small percentage of this stuff that will hold its value but the market is flooded and full of shit. Most of it is useless and ugly to boot.

The concept/technology has a lot of uses of course. Stuff like NFTs for event tickets will take over that market pretty soon and disrupt the entire re-sell/scalp industry.


Binary & Tweed
i feel like it's the same as art in reality? where art galleries, art dealers, banks and other financial institutions control and own the art world? except now it's the virtual galleries, the top platforms and the people with the most followers on social media?
To an extent, but with NFTs you can program in royalties, and more broadly program it however you like.