
bandz ahoy
"Kenneth Branagh spent most of last year’s King Lear, a play about a retired man losing his marbles, stomping around topless with abs contoured by artful lines of mud. (the New Yorker dubbed this Branagh’s “sexy Viking” look.)"



Binary & Tweed
Perhaps one of, if not the, leading reasons craner isn't as active here anymore is because we've graced him with such an abundance of valuable media, that his life has become saturated with meaning and love and he merely lacks the capacity to spend time here.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Perhaps one of, if not the, leading reasons craner isn't as active here anymore is because we've graced him with such an abundance of valuable media, that his life has become saturated with meaning and love and he merely lacks the capacity to spend time here.
Another possible reason is that he knows he only has to say "hello" and somecunt will immediately slap it on a Pinhead meme.