Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I feel like there's a an implicit challenge here: can one of us find a story so grim that @luka doesn't find it hilarious?


cat malogen
Local horrors, apologies for the grauniad but local news sites have too many pops ups, chat functions and other toss to close

Benefits sanctioned, acute mental health crises, little £ for food, heating cut off and then Nottingham City Homes eventually sent the bailiffs in. Bloke had been dead for 6 years


Here's my tweet of the day

Stephen Lawrence’s mother is so annoying, why has she been elevated to the House of Lords when Lee Rigbys mother has been all but ignored?
Lawrence’s mother has rabbited on about Stephens death continually but Mrs Rigby has kept a dignified silence and of course Lee was white.

Fair point, that woman is such a snowflake, for fuck's sake get over it already. Black kids get killed all the time so it's hardly a big deal. She needs to learn her place.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
IdleRich said:
Stephen Lawrence’s mother is so annoying, why has she been elevated to the House of Lords when Lee Rigbys mother has been all but ignored?
Lawrence’s mother has rabbited on about Stephens death continually but Mrs Rigby has kept a dignified silence and of course Lee was white.

Excellent tweet, Rich. Someone needed to say it.


Tight but Polite
Funny that this thread started off talking about the historic grimness of the 70s - I'm feeling like grim is increasingly the defining state of 2020s Britain. Maybe it's an actual post-Covid, post cost-of-living crisis, post-Brexit, post-Tory effect, maybe it's just that I've moved from Cambridge to Sheffield so I'm less insulated from it, but it feels like everything's basically falling apart and no-one has any concrete idea for how to do anything about it - or at least, anyone with any concrete idea for how to do anything about it is getting told to fuck off, stop being unrealistic and accept the endless grim reality.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Funny that this thread started off talking about the historic grimness of the 70s - I'm feeling like grim is increasingly the defining state of 2020s Britain. Maybe it's an actual post-Covid, post cost-of-living crisis, post-Brexit, post-Tory effect, maybe it's just that I've moved from Cambridge to Sheffield so I'm less insulated from it, but it feels like everything's basically falling apart and no-one has any concrete idea for how to do anything about it - or at least, anyone with any concrete idea for how to do anything about it is getting told to fuck off, stop being unrealistic and accept the endless grim reality.
It occurred to me the other day that, as a rule, in Europe I think you can divide the countries into those where nothing really works properly, but at least booze and fags are cheap; and those where booze and fags are expensive, but at least things work properly. The exception being the UK, where everything costs an arm and a leg and, increasingly, the whole country seems to be falling apart at the seams.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Here's some further grimness from your old endz:

Basically an entire new "town" (read: gigantic dormitory) with no GP surgery, cafe, pub, or even a single shop.



Tight but Polite
Randomly, a friend of ours is actually the mayor of Northstowe - him and his partner were one of the first households to move in and he's always been involved in organizing stuff and trying to make things happen. AIUI one of the issues there is that the land for commercial properties has already been passed on to the local council so they can re-sell it to another developer, but they've spotted that prices for building land in this country tend to go up rather than down so they're sitting on it in the hopes that they'll get more for it later. At least, that was the complaint about a year ago.

It's a shame, because the locals do seem to be genuinely trying to make stuff happen and organizing as much stuff as you realistically can with no actual infrastructure, but they've been horribly fucked over by developers and the local council.