Cat Malogen
You reckon it's much better to veer towards 2:1, 3:1, 10:1 CBD:THC than vice-versa, then? I shouldn't be worried about overdoing the CBD as well?
you can’t overdose on cbd, it’s the plant’s own antipsychotic/symbiotic compound
what you’re looking to encourage is the entourage effect, brought on by cbd working with a stack of other cannabinoids, eg cbn, cbg, cbgb’s (I had to)…to avoid the Wrong
Survey of Patients Employing Cannabigerol-Predominant Cannabis Preparations: Perceived Medical Effects, Adverse Events, and Withdrawal Symptoms - PubMed
<span><b>Introduction:</b> Cannabigerol (CBG), and its precursor before decarboxylation, cannabigerolic acid is sometimes labeled the "mother of all cannabinoids." The purpose of the present study was to investigate reasons for use and self-reported therapeutic effects in CBG-predominant...