Mr. Tea
Let's Talk About Ceps
Appears to be. Would be a hell of a lot of effort to mock up that convincingly, at any rate.Saw this... is it real?
Appears to be. Would be a hell of a lot of effort to mock up that convincingly, at any rate.Saw this... is it real?
Thai Temple Left Empty After All Monks Fail Drug Test, Turn Out To Be Meth Addicts
I like the Pope.Whiskey priest to meth monks
Vatican is surely the main manufacturer of fentanyl
It's a bit judgemental to call them addicts. Maybe they just liked to party at weekends?
Turns out there were only four monks in the temple which makes it less funny.
POPIATESWhiskey priest to meth monks
Vatican is surely the main manufacturer of fentanyl
you'd kill to have made that one(Sorry Edmund, but fair's fair.)
That's why I was'd kill to have made that one
Having an assistant to blow the stuff up your nose is a traditional method for taking stuff in South America:Famously Charles had some flunky hold the specimen tube when he had to give a urine sample, probably Harry has some guy to blow the stuff up his nose using a specially made tube fashioned from solid gold and encrusted with diamonds.
Mailer was an obnoxious loudmouth. In episodes that Bradford documents with slavering relish, he conducted literary disputes by butting his colleagues: “Once again words fail you,” drawled the coolly disdainful Gore Vidal after one such attack.
Ha, butting as in literally head-butting? How amazingly primal. Like a stag in rut.This quote in a review of a Mailer biography made me smile