
I just assumed Luka had privileged information to impart, it wasn't about work, I can google. TBF I said this to jenks the other day when he asked if Kenner wrote about Beckett so I guess I deserve what's coming to me


Invisible College is the term used for a small community of interacting scholars who often met face-to-face, exchanged ideas and encouraged each other. One group that has been described as a precursor group to the Royal Society of London consisted of a number of natural philosophers around Robert Boyle, such as Christopher Wren


In the 1960s, a group of academics (including astronomer J. Allen Hynek and computer scientist Jacques Vallée) held regular discussion meetings about UFOs. Hynek referred to this group as The Invisible College.[1] In fiction, it is mentioned in the novel The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown and Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco. It was the inspiration for the Unseen University in the works of Terry Pratchett


Yes we're perfectly willing to outsource. You available for any stenography work Craner?
Craner gets short on money he needs more funds for his wino collection and the younger women get more expensive every year. he's forced to be Stan's stenographer, it's just a drop in the bucket for this early 20s crypto whiz but it furnishes craner's entire lifetstyle, I love this story


Binary & Tweed
I can also mentor you on your writing, but that will be covered by the NDA so you wouldn't be able to talk about it. Rather, everyone here will be under the impression that your essays have spontaneously heightened in quality. Surely this would be a boon for your conquests.


Craner doesn't understand basic science and STan is going to show him how all his "geopolitcs" can be more concisely and elegantly modeled as cellular automata