
Binary & Tweed
Well I appreciate the sentiment there, but my life is a robust privilege as it is, which isn't to say that farther travels won't enrich it further. I get to self-actualize very deeply every single day, and I get to closely work with brilliant and enlightened people.


Well-known member
Honestly and truly I am nothing to look up to, but moving out from mom is step 1z no matter what anynect man tllsch


Stan invited me to a panel talk and I showed up and he was talking to some middle-aged bloke and I kept thinking Wow, this guy is really boring. And then the panel started and the guy walked over to take a seat behind the speakers table and I said, uh oh


That guy's inability to make small talk aside, there were interesting ideas swirling around. Exquisite corpse texts. I particularly liked the idea of fandom communities writing stories by having community members submit proposals for what happens next, and then voting on what version to sanctify as "truth." And how you could see multiple parallel story timelines spin out, with different fragmenting fandoms pledging allegiances to different timelines


My favorite part of the conference was when this one founder, she was talking about the company she started, she said "Well, Zoomers aren't reading and they all have 9-second attention spans and get all their news from social media, so we thought we'd make a social media app that provides unbiased news in 9-second chunks for them instead. But then we discovered that people didn't actually want unbiased news, so we dropped that part and focused on the format. Now we have AI generate all our content, it's going very well"


Binary & Tweed
Stan invited me to a panel talk and I showed up and he was talking to some middle-aged bloke and I kept thinking Wow, this guy is really boring. And then the panel started and the guy walked over to take a seat behind the speakers table and I said, uh oh
Nonetheless I proceeded afterward to have four beers with him, between two different restaurants.