Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I love how everyone here, representing every possible ideological position from droid to vimothy, has tried to talk some sense into @mixed_biscuits, or get some sense out of him, and completely failed at both.


Sunday's protests included people chanting 'from the river to the sea' but that particular chant is inevident on news channels youtube footage of the protest; what are they playing at?


Well-known member
He gets really annoyed when people assume all Romanians are Gypsies so naturally I pretend to think all Romanians are Gypsies.
"We're the original Roman's you dunderhead. Where do you think the name comes from?.


accurate representation of what it's like to argue with doctrinaire Zionists, only they're generally much more aggressive and insulting

it really is that simple
Very funny. Of course the doctrinaire person is the archetypal pseudo-progressive whose persuasive arsenal comprises no more than one slogan repeated ad infinitum as if it were an incantation with the power to warp reality...sooo performative!!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
We love his work but we can't, for ethical and political reasons, endorse his positions
Arguing with him is like trying to simultaneously wrestle about a dozen hyperactive frogs that have been coated in the world's slickest industrial lubricant, each of which only exists about 30% of the time.


Well-known member
Is it the worst willy I've ever seen? No. Does it leave something to be desired? Yes frankly