Excuse the greentext, but it probably went something like this back there


padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Imagine if the govt response to families of 9/11 victims had basically been "go fuck yourself"

for something even their coalition allies say is petty grandstanding

Education Minister Yoav Kisch (Likud) said the law would not be passed at the current time.

“The scenes from the Knesset today are unnecessary,” he said. “They harm the war effort and especially the hostages’ families, who are [experiencing] their most difficult hour. Stop engaging in petty politics.

Footage of them arguing with and yelling at hostages' families

caption on this one is wrong btw. that's Almog Cohen - most famous for police brutality against Bedouins in the Negev - yelling and Limor Son Har-Melech to his left, both Otzma Yehudit MKs

like, what the fuck are we doing here man

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Very funny. Of course the doctrinaire person is the archetypal pseudo-progressive whose persuasive arsenal comprises no more than one slogan repeated ad infinitum as if it were an incantation with the power to warp reality...sooo performative!!
the Palestinian people deserve human rights

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Imagine if the govt response to families of 9/11 victims had basically been "go fuck yourself"

for something even their coalition allies say is petty grandstanding

Footage of them arguing with and yelling at hostages' families

caption on this one is wrong btw. that's Almog Cohen - most famous for police brutality against Bedouins in the Negev - yelling and Limor Son Har-Melech to his left, both Otzma Yehudit MKs

like, what the fuck are we doing here man

Wow. I don't think you even quoted the most nutzo bit:

[Tzvika Fogel] added, “This [death penalty for terrorists] does not contradict the goal of bringing back the hostages, and anyone who tries to present it as a contradiction is someone who is trying to represent Hamas more than the State of Israel.”

Telling people whose relatives are being held hostage that "if you don't support this bill (that will make the hostages more likely to be murdered) then you're siding with the terrorists"...


Wild Horses
So who's seen the Stuart Seldowitz videos?
Its almost too on the nose. Unerring proof that those in the Foreign Policy establishment are actually racist sociopaths.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
This seems significant:

London, United Kingdom – The BBC has been accused by its journalists of failing to tell the story of the Israel-Palestine conflict accurately, investing greater effort in humanising Israeli victims compared with Palestinians, and omitting key historical context in coverage.

In a 2,300-word letter written to Al Jazeera by eight UK-based journalists employed by the corporation, the BBC is also said to be guilty of a “double standard in how civilians are seen”, given that it is “unflinching” in its reporting of alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I'm obviously glad they've worked out a ceasefire and hostage deal. it has a few interesting points. one is the exchange ratio, 3:1 vs 1027:1 for Galid Shalit, and unlike the Shalit deal it's hardly any real fighters, most of the prisoners being released are teenagers in for stone-throwing etc. the other one is Israel having to ground its drone flights for 6 hours a day. I've seen it suggested, and it seems likely, that this deal is basically Hamas paying to pull as much as it can out of Gaza City and retreat to the south.

the question becomes whether or not the pause develops international - specifically U.S. - momentum against a renewal. Hamas leadership will very likely try to drag it out as long as possible for that reason, as well as to consolidate its position if the fighting resumes. the other big question is what the fuck the civilian population is supposed to do. there are already close to 2 million people crammed into desperate living conditions in southern Gaza. what is the IDF going to do, tell them to evacuate back to the devastated rubble of the north? Israeli politicians have been pushing either the longstanding ethnic cleansing fantasy that Egypt will take them in refugee camps in the Sinai, or the newer and more delusional fantasy that various countries around the world will take them in like 50k apiece parcels.

I could be wrong, but my suspicion is that the ceasefire won't be permanent, and there will be even heavier civilian casualties than there have been to date. the Israelis really seem set on finishing the job and the last few weeks have proven that Hamas is not close to the military capabilities of Hezbollah (which makes sense), tho idk what price it could exact from consolidated positions in Khan Younis etc. IDF casualties so far, excluding Oct 7, have been at an acceptable level for Israeli public opinion - 69 killed in Gaza since the invasion began is the latest number I saw - which they've achieved thru the tactic of pounding everything into dust before sending in guys with rifles, and just sealing tunnels rather than descending down into them.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Wow. I don't think you even quoted the most nutzo bit:
bro Otzma Yehudit MKs say and do so many awful/crazy things that's it hard to pick out the craziest among them.

Har-Melech called a settler who burned a Palestinian family to death a "holy righteous man". here is she is teacher her toddler son to say "I'll drive a jeep and kill Arabs". Amihai Eliyahu said Israel should nuke Gaza. Almog Cohen ran a private militia in the Negev terrorizing Bedouins. Ben-Gvir says crazy shit constantly, has been convicted of inciting racism in an Israeli court and is the de facto lawyer for Jewish terrorists. there's also Baruch Marzel and Michael Ben-Ari, who were banned from running for the Knesset due to racism, or Bentzi Gopstein who runs the anti-miscegenation group Lehava. they all vocally and viscerally hate gay people. it's endless. Kahanism is a sickness.